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EDITORIAL: The Right Call
EDITORIAL: The Right Call
Despite calls from some quarters not to travel to Washington, D.C. for St. Patrick's Day celebrations Taoiseach Leo Varadkar is doing just that thi...
EDITORIAL: A Priceless Heritage EDITORIAL: A Priceless Heritage
As American presidents go, Joe Biden, lately guilty on all counts of having reached the age of 81, is strongly and emotionally invested in his Iris...
EDITORIAL: Dreams Now Taking Form
EDITORIAL: Dreams Now Taking Form
Even during the worst days of the conflict in Northern Ireland people would dream of a peaceful and united future. However, if they voiced such a v...
EDITORIAL: Staunch Friends And Wavering Friends
EDITORIAL: Staunch Friends And Wavering Friends
Back at the beginning of February the European Union, all 27 member states, Ireland duly included, agreed on a fifty billion euro ($54 billion) eco...
EDITORIAL: America Deserves Better
EDITORIAL: America Deserves Better
On Tuesday morning, February 13, the Washington Post reported thus: "The Senate passed a $95 billion national security package to aid Israel, Ukrai...
Warm applause on cold evening Warm applause on cold evening
Salon Diary / By Anthony Murphy Brendan Costello, President of Irish American Writers & Artists, hosted the first Salon of 2024 at the Ellington, c...
EDITORIAL: And Finally.....
EDITORIAL: And Finally.....
Northern Ireland has been waiting for this. Waiting not just for the two years since the last Assembly election, but waiting since its very foundat...
EDITORIAL: Never Again.....But
EDITORIAL: Never Again.....But
There's no doubt that what is going on in Gaza is horrific. There's no doubt that what triggered the Israeli invasion - that being the Hamas attack...
EDITORIAL: Suspect Dead, Case Unsolved
EDITORIAL: Suspect Dead, Case Unsolved
It was a verdict of sorts. One from on high. That at least was what many in Ireland, and in particular West Cork, were thinking after Ian Bailey, w...
EDITORIAL: The Ever Expanding News Desert
EDITORIAL: The Ever Expanding News Desert
"More than 1,000 journalists descend on Des Moines to cover the Iowa Caucuses." The headline from Editor & Publisher magazine tells us something; a...
EDITORIAL: Words That Counted Then, And Now
EDITORIAL: Words That Counted Then, And Now
Back in October, 2021 Belfast Victims Campaigner Raymond McCord wrote this in the Echo: "My name is Raymond McCord from North Belfast. On November ...
EDITORIAL: And So, 2024
EDITORIAL: And So, 2024
Well, that was 2023. Now for 2024. Of course we have been thinking about this particular year since, well, the particular year of 2020 brought with...

