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EDITORIAL: Gonna Need Bigger And More Boats
EDITORIAL: Gonna Need Bigger And More Boats
The Irish Naval Service could do with some bigger boats. But more than that it could do with more boats of any size. And it could do with more men ...
EDITORIAL: The Assembly Returns
EDITORIAL: The Assembly Returns
The world returns to Manhattan this week for the annual gathering that is the opening of the United Nations General Assembly. For some, the visits ...
EDITORIAL: Casting A Light
EDITORIAL: Casting A Light
The New York Times described Megan Stack's Sunday, September 3 Opinion Section front page story as an "essay." Some essay. Stack, billed by the Tim...
EDITORIAL: A Complex Moment
EDITORIAL: A Complex Moment
As the British government barrels along towards passing its widely unwanted legacy bill, and before he set off for a visit to the Middle East, Tána...
EDITORIAL: Carnage On The Roads
EDITORIAL: Carnage On The Roads
For anyone who has driven in Ireland this is a familiar picture or memory. You have left the motorway and are driving on a two lane road with hills...
EDITORIAL: A Generation Passes
EDITORIAL: A Generation Passes
There's no stopping it of course. Time moves on and one generation gives way to the next. In recent years there has been much talk in America of "T...
EDITORIAL: Welcome One And All
EDITORIAL: Welcome One And All
One of the more encouraging aspects of contemporary congressional discourse is the fact that members of both parties can agree on issues of concern...
EDITORIAL: A Glorious Spectacle
EDITORIAL: A Glorious Spectacle
Back in 1999 the women's soccer World Cup came to America and a revolution was born. At that point in time the game was well established here for b...
EDITORIAL: Heated Words
EDITORIAL: Heated Words
“The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived. The air is unbreathable. The heat is unbearable. And the level of foss...
EDITORIAL: Peaceful, For The most Part
EDITORIAL: Peaceful, For The most Part
It was comforting reading. Ireland came out as the third most peaceful country in the world in a recent survey. Cold comfort for the American touri...
EDITORIAL: Voting at Nature's Midnight Hour
EDITORIAL: Voting at Nature's Midnight Hour
People in southern Spain and Italy are being advised to stay indoors this week. Fires and floods are wreaking havoc across the globe. And we had th...
EDITORIAL: Neutrality and Security EDITORIAL: Neutrality and Security
Ireland has been going through one of its periodic brainstorms on the matter of neutrality. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is significantly respon...

