Colleen Kenny, Owner of D'Arcy School of Irish Dance. Colleen Kenny began her Irish dance journey at the age of 4 alongside her two older sisters under the fabulous instruction of Patricia Murphy. Fascinated by her older sisters reaching the champion level, Colleen did not want to be left behind and she worked her way to the Preliminary Champion level by the age of 8 and competed at her first Eastern Regional Oireachtas under 9. She recalled and ever since she has been hooked!

In the past 7 years, Colleen has established a warm and caring environment that welcomes dancers of all ages, whether they want to compete or just dance as a hobby, into the studio. The D’Arcy School has 3 locations in NJ with just over 130 students ranging from 3 to 70 years old! The biggest things Colleen stresses in her school are to have FUN and to enjoy the journey. 

2024 Irish Echo 40 Under 40 Awards

