2024 Heroes of Irish America Awards

Regina Gilmartin-Hanna

Regina Gilmartin-Hanna

Place of birth: Woodside, New York.

What is your profession? Clinical Nurse Specialist / Diabetes Care and Education Specialist.

How do you celebrate your Irishness? I am proud to be a first generation Irish American and anyone who knows me will tell you I enjoy sharing my Irish heritage and celebrating all that is "Irish" Although I celebrate all year long , I especially look forward to celebrating on Saint Patrick's Day in New York City by beginning my day attending mass at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, a tradition I shared and cherished with my Mom. Followed by a delicious Irish breakfast before marching down 5th Avenue in the parade with my college friends and family. We always end the day sharing a delicious Irish meal together listening to traditional Irish music. My love for Ireland and the people, music and traditions is my bones.

Name a hero you admire and why? My hero is my Mom, Theresa Caulfield Gilmartin. Born in New York City but brought to Ireland at age 4 with her sister Mary, age 2 after the tragic death of her father. Raised on the farm in County Mayo by my great grandmother until age 15 and then returned to America to be reunited with her Mother after 10 plus years apart as a young child. Widowed at age 40 with 5 children after the sudden death of my father she exemplified remarkable courage and strength especially  after all she endured. She always did the right thing and put her family, community and faith first. She was an incredible role model and a devoted, mother and loving grandmother of 12 grandchildren.

Something people would be surprised to know about me... I have an incredible love for riding horses.  As a child I learned to ride horses at camp and worked in the horse stables after my father's death and it was there I learned the beauty and freedom that animals and nature can bring to heal and sooth the soul. 

Today I enjoy all outdoor sports and recently took up golf playing my first few rounds in Ireland. What an absolute treat.

Biography: I was born in Woodside, New York, the daughter of Theresa and William Gilmartin. I am the fourth child of five, and have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I am married to Robert Hanna and I am blessed with two amazing children Mattew and Colleen Rose.  I am proud to have attended Catholic schools throughout my life including college. I received my graduate degree as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Diabetes at Hunter Bellevue Graduate School of Nursing.  I have been a nurse for 40 plus years and currently work as a Clinical Research Coordinator/ Co Principal Investigator at Weill Cornell Medicine on the landmark NIH DCCT/ EDIC Study in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism.  As a Diabetes Care and Education Specialist I have devoted my nursing career to educating, advocating for those living with diabetes and researching and supporting a cure for diabetes. I have always volunteered in diabetes organizations supporting and advocating for individuals living with diabetes across all ages. I am currently Co President of the Foundation for Diabetes Research, an organization that has proudly raised millions to directly supported researchers working towards a CURE for Type 1 diabetes.

2024 Heroes of Irish America Awards

