Matthew Caughey currently serves as Executive Director of The Elizabeth Peabody House, setting the strategic direction and overseeing daily operations of the organization. Matthew brings to EPH some fifteen years of experience in education, youth development, and nonprofit leadership in Northern Ireland and Massachusetts.

Matthew graduated as a teacher from Queen's University Belfast, in Northern Ireland, and spent several years teaching Irish to primary and secondary school students before working on a history-making, internationally renowned Irish language project in inner east Belfast, Turas. 

Driven by a passion for community-based education, Matthew later worked at Ledley Hall Boys & Girls Club, building programs to support children and youth's academic development and establishing programs to strengthen cross-community relations in inner east Belfast. 

Since immigrating to Massachusetts in 2017, Matthew has held fundraising and executive leadership positions with nonprofits in homelessness, youth development, and elder services. Before joining the Elizabeth Peabody House in November 2022, Matthew served as Deputy Director at ESAC in Boston. At ESAC, he led all aspects of fundraising and finance and acted as a partner in the agency's strategic development and the expansion of its services. 

2023 Irish 40 Under 40 Awards

