
Aer Lingus readies its defense
Aer Lingus readies its defense
AER Lingus is preparing to defend it self against the latest bid by rival Ryanair to gain operating control. The former Irish flag carrier has publ...
Collins objects, Obama campaign retreats
Collins objects, Obama campaign retreats
Irish ambassador to Washington, Michael Collins, is a quiet-spoken diplomat. But he apparently wields a decent sized stick. Collins has managed to ...
Good news on the breeze
Good news on the breeze
IT is hoped that wind power could be the key to future Irish employment opportunities, with new plans just unveiled. The potential creation of 40 n...
Too much dough in dole - IMF
Too much dough in dole - IMF
Those in the dole queues would take issue with the assertion but social welfare benefits in Ireland are too high and need to be revised so as to en...
Wind at his back
Wind at his back
Breaking into the American market isn't easy for an Irish firm, but it's a challenge Jonathan Tierney, co-founder and CEO of Crosscare Ltd, is will...
Life lines for Irish banks
Life lines for Irish banks
IRELAND'S struggling banks could soon be helped by way of eurozone debt relief if EU finance ministers agree to ease the debt burden later this yea...
Some ghosts to be given life
Some ghosts to be given life
The Republic's housing minister Jan O'Sullivan is determined to see the bulk of the of 2,066 ghost estates dotting the 26 counties completed within...
Ed Doherty's vision is woo them and wow them
Ed Doherty's vision is woo them and wow them
When Ed Doherty was a boy, his mother just wanted him to get a steady job. She could hardly have guessed the job he would have: that her son would ...
43 years to fill empty houses
43 years to fill empty houses
It will take 43 years to fill all the post-boom vacant homes in the Republic, according to a report. And this despite the fact that Ireland is main...
Visit to raise Irish access to U.S. market
Visit to raise Irish access to U.S. market
Ireland's Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, is in the U.S. this week for a seven-day day "direct investment and trad...
Panel focuses on expanded role for diaspora
Panel focuses on expanded role for diaspora
[caption id="attachment_72148" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Robert Ballagh."][/caption] Irish politicians' attitude towards its emigran...
Falvey's books are  'love letters' to Ireland
Falvey's books are 'love letters' to Ireland
[caption id="attachment_72145" align="aligncenter" width="540" caption="Author Patricia Falvey, Belfast business consultant Denny Elliott and Trace...

