By Irish Echo Staff
Free Irish nanny Aisling Brady McCarthy is back in Ireland after departing Boston Tuesday night.
Brady McCarthy, accompanied by her sister, arrived in Shannon this morning.
Before leaving Boston, and after the dramatic about face by prosecutors who dropped charges of killing a one year old child who was in her care, Brady McCarthy told the Boston Herald of her relief and also her anger after serving thirty months in jail for a murder she did not commit.
“I am overwhelmed. It has been crazy and hectic,” McCarthy told the Herald.
“Suddenly, everything is happening so fast after going so, so very slow for almost three years. I can’t wait to get home and start my life over again. My worst nightmare is finally over.
Brady McCarthy did not hold back in venting her anger over how her life had been turned upside down.
“What the Middlesex prosecutors did to me was scandalous,” she said.
“They should be ashamed of themselves. The police and (Dr.) Alice Newton, they just decided right away that I had killed the child. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I loved her and cared for her, 10 hours a day, five days a week. I would take her everywhere on day trips.
“They were wrong but it seemed that except for my family and my lawyers, Melinda (Thompson) and David Meier, God bless them, no one would listen.”
McCarthy told the Herald that what the public did not see over two and a half years of her imprisonment was the steady stream of love and support she received from other parents who had employed her, and their children she helped raise.
“They would come every week to visit me. The kids would bring me drawings and little gifts. They were a huge source of support and comfort to me. And they assured me that they would be there, to testify on my behalf when the trial came.”
The report stated that at the outset of the case, defense attorney Melinda Thompson came to the arraignment in Medford with $5,000 in cash to bail her out.
But when Middlesex prosecutors told the judge that McCarthy had allowed her visa to lapse, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement considered her “a flight risk,” and her bail jumped to $500,000.
Reported the Herald: “Before flying home to Ireland last night, McCarthy went through ICE to get her passport back. Both her lawyers said the immigration officials couldn’t have been nicer.
“It was as if they understood the nightmare this one Irish immigrant had lived through.”