Adams statement on queen meeting

This is an edited version of the statement from Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams after the party's ard comhairle meeting which cleared the way for today's meeting between Martin McGuinness and Queen Elizabeth.

"As you all know, Martin McGuinness has received an invitation from Co-operation Ireland to attend an event in Belfast next week to celebrate the arts and culture across Ireland. The Co-operation Ireland event will also be attended by the President of Ireland, the Queen of England and by First Minister Peter Robinson. It is unconnected with the Jubilee.

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"Because this involves Martin meeting the British monarch this will cause difficulty for Republicans and nationalists who have suffered at the hands of British forces in Ireland over many decades. However, in the context of conflict resolution and national reconciliation, as well as our own republican national objectives, the Sinn Féin Ard Chomhairle agreed that Martin should accept the invitation.

This is a significant initiative involving major political and symbolic challenges for Irish republicans. As the record of the peace process demonstrates, Irish republicans have frequently been prepared to take bold and historic initiatives and risks for peace to break stalemates and find agreements. Sinn Féin is an Irish republican party whose primary political objective is the re-unification and independence of Ireland.

Our vision of a new Republic is one in which the Orange and Green unite in a cordial union. Today's decision reflects a confident, dynamic, forward looking Sinn Féin demonstrating our genuine desire to embrace our unionist neighbors. It reflects the equality and parity of esteem arrangements which are now in place.

I accept that this decision will cause genuine and understandable difficulties for some people, not least some of the victims of the British crown forces in Ireland. It is clear that legacy issues have to be dealt with and Sinn Féin will continue to engage in that work. Today's decision is the right thing to do at the right time and for the right reasons. I ask all Sinn Féin members and all republicans to support this initiative.

I would urge everyone, everywhere on this island to take ownership of our future. The people of this island deserve the very best society that can be created. I believe this initiative will contribute in a symbolic yet significant way to this necessary work.

