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There were tributes from all across Irish society and beyond last week for Mary Raftery, the investigative journalist who more than any other blew the lid off Ireland's church pedophile scandals.
Raftery, who was 54, died after an illness leaving a husband and a son.
One of the most notable tributes to the journalist who exposed child abuse in state and church-run institutions through two television documentaries, "States of Fear" in 1999 and "Cardinal Secrets" in 2002, was delivered by the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, Dr. Diarmuid Martin.
"Bringing the truth out is always a positive thing even though it may be a painful truth. I believe that through her exposition of sins of the past, and of the moment, that the church is a better place for children and a place which has learned many lessons," said Martin.
RTE, which was initially reluctant to screen Raftery's "States of Fear," also had words of praise.
"Mary Raftery's journalism was defined by determination and fearlessness. She has left an important legacy for Irish society, particularly for some of our most vulnerable citizens," said director general Noel Curran.
Raftery's work led directly to the Ryan and Murphy reports into child abuse. Her funeral service, a humanist one, was held at the Royal Hospital in Kilmainham, Dublin.