Patricia Fahy : First elected in 2012, NYS Assemblymember Patricia Fahy represents the entire City of Albany, Town of New Scotland, and part of the Town of Guilderland. A leading advocate for job creation, environmental conservation, and quality education, Pat has been the prime sponsor of over 200 bills – more than 70 of which have been signed into law. 

After losing my 25-year-old son, Brendan Fahy Bequette to cancer last year, we decided to channel our grief into philanthropy by raising funds for film and photography, which meant so much to him. They have endowed a film series at the Irish American Heritage Museum, which showcases the work of young film-makers, and they published a book “The Photographs of Brendan Fahy Bequette” to endow various other arts projects across the city, including one focused on high school students.

2023 Community Champion Awards

