John Molloy pictured with artist Suejin Jo at the opening reception for her exhibit “Migration Passages” at his eponymous gallery at 49 East 78th St., N.Y., N.Y. Molloy, who grew up in an Irish family in Queens, New York, purchased his first Native American object in 1979 when he was in the MFA program at the University of Oregon. For 22 years, he was the managing partner for the Spanish & Indian Trading Company in Santa Fe, N.M. Since 2007, he has been the consultant and appraiser in Native American Art for Christie’s. The artist told Molloy that she “has been thinking about the seasonal, mass journeys made by monarch butterflies or song sparrows. And yet one can’t help but think about immigration too, that cycle of human migration.” For more information about the show, which continues through March 13, go to the John Molloy Gallery website here. PHOTO BY PETER MCDERMOTT