Backing Francis’s call

Last weekend was a busy one for the Catholic Worker Movement. It organized a series of vigils in support of Pope Francis’s call in Nagasaki and Hiroshima for the abolition of nuclear weapons. And the group founded by Dorothy Day welcomed author Peter Duffy, left, to Maryhouse, East 3rd Street, in Manhattan’s East Village on Friday night to talk about his latest book “The Agitator." It tells the story of the Irish-American seaman and activist William Bailey, who led the action on the passenger ship SS “Bremen” in July 1935 to remove its swastika flag in protest against the Nazi regime’s increasing repression against the Jewish people, the labor movement and Catholic organizations. Duffy is pictured speaking with Martha Hennessy, recently convicted as one of the Kings Bay Plowshares Seven for breaking into a Navy base in a symbolic protest against nuclear weapons. Hennessy, a granddaughter of Dorothy Day, will be sentenced in coming weeks. PHOTO BY PETER MCDERMOTT

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