Nominations requested for Irish presidential awards

Nominations are being invited for the second annual (2013) Presidential Distinguished Service Awards for the Irish Abroad. The closing date for return of nominations to the Irish embassy in Washington [or nearest Irish consulate in the United States] is Monday, April 22.

The awards provide recognition by the Irish State for persons living abroad, primarily Irish citizens, those entitled to Irish citizenship and those of Irish descent, who have made a sustained and distinguished service to Ireland and/or Irish communities abroad. The award is not an honors system and does not confer any legal entitlements or benefits upon the recipients, including a right to Irish citizenship.

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The U.S.-based recipients of Awards in 2012 were Loretta Brennan Glucksman (Peace, Reconciliation and Development category), Sr. Lena Deevy (Irish Community Support), Mr. Chuck Feeney (Charitable Works) and Mr. Donald Keough (Business and Education).

Nominees must be habitually resident outside the island of Ireland and are required to satisfy the following additional requirements: have rendered distinguished service to the nation and/or its reputation abroad; have actively and demonstrably contributed to Ireland and/or its international reputation and/or Irish communities abroad in at least one of the categories outlined above; have a track record of sustained support and engagement with Ireland and/or its international reputation and/or Irish communities abroad over a period of not less than five years.

While the awards scheme is open to all persons living abroad, it is primarily aimed at Irish citizens, those entitled to Irish citizenship and persons of Irish descent, who have made a sustained and distinguished service to Ireland or Irish communities abroad.

Each submission, according to an embassy release, should make clear the category under which the nomination is being made. It should include a detailed presentation on the individual's background and contribution to Ireland, Irish communities abroad or Ireland's international reputation.

Nominations for the Presidential Distinguished Service Award should be submitted to the Embassy via a downloadable form no later than close of business (U.S. Eastern time) on Monday April 22 2013 to the following e-mail address:

A high level panel based in Ireland will consider all nominations received and will make recommendations to the government in respect of no more than ten individuals in any one year. It is expected that the recipients for 2013 Awards will be presented with them by the president in late 2013.

