[caption id="attachment_70197" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Elaine Ní Bhraonáin."]
Show your Bród (Pride). What is meant by this is that, from now on, I want YOU to use any Irish you have. You don’t have to be fluent and please don't be worried about your grammar. Just speak it. The world-famous Irish boxer Bernard Dunne is heading a campaign to convince 100,000 people to speak Irish and be proud of it and I'm going to help in any way I can. People are often embarrassed speaking the first official language of Ireland so we have to try and change people’s attitude towards it and to get everybody using a few words or phrases everyday. You have no excuse as almost every Irish and Irish-American person has some Irish so I am asking you all to please use it. We own the language and I feel that it is our responsibility, as Irish people, to promote it. Please join the petition at "www.rte.ie/ brodclub" and all you need to do is say to yourself that you will use whatever Irish you have more often, that’s it. You can also check out "rtebrodclub" on facebook also.
I am so impressed by this campaign as they are not trying to persuade people to learn grammar rules off by heart; they simply want people to speak it and to have fun with it so the Irish language can be for
everybody not just those who want to sign up for classes. Even if you only know a word or two, promise yourself that you will learn few more and use it. If you are interested in signing up for classes to learn Irish or improve the Irish you already have, log onto www.daltai.com to find out about classes all over the Unites States. If we do not make any effort with the Irish language, it will not be available for future generations to come and I feel it is our responsibility as Irish-Americans to respect the language. This is a terrific opportunity to be part of a group dedicated to helping the language thrive around the world and all you have to do is use whatever Irish you have, a few words or a lot. Be proud of Irish Gaelic and enjoy it because as the proverb says ‘A Country without a Language is a County without a Soul. Slán (bye)
Show your Bród. Séard atá i gceist le seo ná an Ghaeilge a bhfuil agat a úsáid. Ní gá duit bheith líofa nó bheith buartha faoi do chuid gramadaí. Tá an dornálaí cáiliúl Bernard Dunne i mbun feachtas chun 100,000 duine a mhealladh chun dul le Gaeilge agus bheith sásta í a labhairt. Bíonn náire ar dhaoine an chéad teanga oifigiúil a labhairt agus caithfaidh muid iarracht a dhéanamh meon daoine a athrú i dtaobh an teanga agus frásaí nó focail Gaeilge a úsáid aon uair is féidir. Tá Gaeilge ag beagnach gach duine in Éirinn agus muintir Gael-Mheiriceá fresin so le bhur dtoil, bain triall as roinnt Gaeilge a úsáid gach aon lá. Is linne an teanga agus is fúinnse í a chur chun cinn. Ní gá ach clarú le www.rte.ie/ brodclub agus geallúint dhuit féin go bhfuil tú chun Gaeilge a labhairt níos minicí. Is féidir teacht ar ar facebook chomh maith: rtebrodclub.
Táim an-tógtha leis an bhfeachtas seo mar níl siad ar rá le daoine luí isteach sa ghramadaí agus dá bhrí sin, tá sé oiriúnach do gach sort duine, ní díreach na daoine a theastaíonn uathu freastal ar ranganna Gaeilge. Muna bhfuil ach focal nó dhó agat, úsáid iad agus dean iarracht cúpla focal nua a fhoghlaim amach anseo. Má theastaíonn uait clarú do ranganna i Nua Eabhrac, tá neart ann. Ní gá ach dul ar suíomh Daltaí na Gaeilge www.daltai.com agus tá tuilleadh eolas ar na ranganna Gaeilge a mbíonn ar siúl thar fud na Stáit Aontaithe ann. Muna ndéanann muid iarracht ar bith cabhrú leis an nGaeilge, ní bheidh sí ar fáil do na glúin atá le teacht agus tá sé mar fhreagracht again mar Gael-Mheiriceánaigh meas a thaispeáint di. Is deis iontach é seo bheith mar chuid de ghrúpa a bhfuil mar aidhm acu an Ghaeilge a fhorbairt in Éirinn agus thar fud an domhain. Bí brodúil as do chuid Gaeilge agus bain sult aisti mar, mar a dhéireann an sean-fhocail ‘Tír gan teanga, Tír gan Anam’. Slán.