Comedy theater production finds humor in death

Brand new one act show "The Maid" humanizes the absurd reactions one family has as they cope with their grief on the night their loved one chooses to end his life with assisted dying.

Join Aria Publicover (creator/writer/actor) and Andrew Thomas (Director) at the Producers Club as they present their one act reading of “The Maid”. Set in Nova Scotia, a place with deep rooted Celtic traditions, this dark comedy is based on the writer's own recent real life, and unbelievable, experience with assisted dying. Humor in death is found through a toast over her father’s recently deceased body, a zany and overly spiritual doctor, and chaos in emotionally distant coroners.

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During the course of one night our heroines deal with the passing of a loved one using medical assistance in dying. To cope and add to the trauma there is a toast over the recently deceased’s body, a zany and overly spiritual doctor, and chaos in emotionally distant coroners. The Maid is one act dark comedy discussing the stigma surrounding assisted suicide; how grief is processed; and the intricacies of grief

In the progressive city of New York most social issues are regularly discussed. Assisted dying, or assisted suicide, is a topic where people have little knowledge, experience, and support. The negative feelings towards it outweigh the needs of patients who desperately need it to be a viable option. Canada is one of only a handful of countries in the world where Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID) is legal. “The Maid” showcases assisted dying in a new light, balancing the desire for a good death and the love that follows with the lightness of humor explored through the illogical behavior that surrounds death.

The reading hopes to establish conversation about assisted dying and spark interest in the project. If enough interest is shown the one act may be expanded into a full-length play discussing at length the stigma surrounding the procedure; the struggle with helping someone you love proceed with assisted dying; along with the ensuing hilarity when a family deals with their different types of grief.

The reading of “The Maid” goes up 7pm, January 18, 2019 at the Producers Club. Admission is free though to guarantee a seat, e-mail to RSVP.

Colleen- Tara Maldonado
Deb- Lesley Miller
Maisie- Aria Publicover
Doctor-Madeline Brennan
Craig- Johnny Culver
Coroner 1- Reed Horsley
Coroner 2- Ian Schulz

