A wreath for the fallen

New York County AOH and the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of Morris County, New Jersey, recently organized the first participation in Wreaths Across America by Old St. Patrick’s Basilica in Manhattan. 1.8 million wreaths were laid on veterans’ graves in the U.S. and Normandy, France. The AOH and Friendly Sons participate in the annual event. William C. Duggan organized the Old St. Patrick’s event in coordination with Tom Beirne and Denis Grogan of New York County AOH, the Basilica’s Monsignor Sakano, the Port Authority Police Department Color Guard, Old St. Patrick’s Girl Scout troop, Verizon, Catholic War Veterans, and AOH National Director Dan Dennehy. The event included a performance by the Rory O’Moore Pipes & Drums and Jim Mullarkey of the Catholic War Veterans who played taps on a bugle in the basilica’s walled cemetery for the fallen.


